
Welcome to the Amber Project Website



The Amber Project exists to support any young person (aged 14-25) in Cardiff and the surrounding areas who has experience of self-harm and/or is trans, non-binary or gender questioning.

Please feel free to look around, and if you have any questions or think that we might be able to help, please do contact us. We are available Monday - Friday, 9:00 - 5:00.


** IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Amber Project **

It is with great sadness that we must announce that the Amber Project is to close by the end of the year. 

The project has done incredible work supporting young people in Cardiff and the surrounding areas who experience self-harm. Over the past 20 years there have been a huge amount of encouraging, inspiring and life-transforming stories that have come from the dedicated support delivered by a brilliant team. 

However, like many charities today, Church Army has had to make some difficult decisions due to a challenging financial environment.  In June 2024, after a review of the costs needed to run the Amber Project safely and effectively and with consideration of our charitable objectives, Church Army’s board sought to look for an alternative organisation to take over the project.  

Sadly, after a wide and comprehensive search, we have not found a suitable organisation willing and/or able to do this. It leaves us with no choice but to close the project by the end of the year. 

The wellbeing and safety of all current participants in the Amber Project remain our highest priority. We are committed to supporting everyone who has benefited from the project these last few months of the project, and ensuring they receive support through these challenging times. 

We would like to thank the staff, supporters and young people who have contributed to the life-transforming work of Amber over the years. Whilst this chapter is drawing to a close, we know the legacy of the project will live on through the impact it has had on thousands of people over the last 20 years.


Phone problems

Christina has realised that she has not been receiving all her text messages. If you haven't received a response from her or you're worried that your message hasn't got through then please contact her via WhatsApp (07706 348 650) or email (Christina.Witney@churcharmy.org)


Amber at Pride

The young people, volunteers and staff at Amber attended Cardiff Pride again this year.

Pride Banner

This Week

See What's On this Week for up to date details.


Accessing Amber

If you currently access the project or have done in the past and you need additional support please do contact us.

Our team are:

Christina - Support Worker - 07706 348 650 

Geoffrey - Arts Worker - 07719 560 180

Sue - 07920 811954


The Amber Dogs

Anber Dogs

It's time for the Amber Dogs' Vaccinations
If you have an Amber Dog, can you bring it back into the office?


Support Outside Our Hours

If you need support outside our working hours please call your G.P. your Health Centres

out of Hours Service or go to A and E.:

The following numbers may be helpful.

Childline: 0800 1111

Samaritans: 116123

Papyrus hopelineuk: 0800 068 4141


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Check out these pages What to do when there's nothing to do


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The Amber Project is a Church Army Project

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